Wednesday, 6 July 2016


Time is of the essence when in your presence,
You lie in the bed, showing off your presents.

Laced in nothing but your skin,
I stare and then dive in.
Pablo Picasso on your body,
You look back, and grin.

Fingers along you...caressing,
Tongue within you...relaxing,
Soothing the mind with these fine lines
Of love and senseless romancing.

Tonight is the night if you didn't know,
The way your body art starts to glow,
Showing off your curves...the perfect flow,
Back arching...that's the perfect show.

I'm painting the perfect picture of us,
So how deep do you want me to go?
Slight lust...deep thrusts?
Or would you prefer it slow?

Bed, floor, counter top, door?
Couch, appliances, maybe something more?

See this art is only for our eyes,
Our bodies, our lives.
Michelangelo like, our art thrives,
And this passion, it won't die.

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