Monday 31 May 2021


I often ask myself am I worthy enough?
Worthy enough to walk the streets of gold that you created?
Worthy enough to be in your presence and call upon your name?
Am I worthy enough to give you honor even through my shame?
But I stand here acknowledging that you’ve kept me on this path
From the seed planted within my mother to where I am.
I could only ask am I worthy enough?
And just when I asked these questions that were weighing on me,
You told me to wait on you and I shall see that I am
That I am worthy enough because out of dirt you formed me
Like a potter with clay you molded me
Into the person I am today ... a royal priesthood, a holy nation
You called me by name and I am yours
For I am worthy enough and for that, I give you the honor and glory
I worship you for you are the ship that sails me through all seas.
I am living proof of your mercy and your love,
So no longer will I ask if I am worthy enough.



  1. Moving to another level...transformation in progress...elevation on the horizon. I love it
