11:35 p.m.
What is she thinking about?
Is she sleeping on her left or right side?
Is she dreaming about what we've got?
Is she snuggled up tight tonight?
1:18 a.m.
I should sleep I mean really,
Later today I will be busy.
Meetings, parents, call me crazy,
I can't help but think about my lady.
2:36 a.m.
Tick Tock, Tick Tock,
She loves me, she loves me not.
Time seems stationary, I'm like a nomad,
Quite sad because like Jimmy, She is all I got.
3:42 a.m.
“Toss one, Toss two” what's on her mind?
“Toss three, Toss four” I hope it's the same as mine.
I hope she's okay, I can't wait to hear her.
Please wake up so I can tell you I love you.
5:59 a.m.
OK! Snap out of it! You know she loves you,
You know she will be there when you wake.
Ready for your embrace, love, and grace,
Ready to give you all she has, just have faith.
6:05 a.m.
Before I go, let me call and see if she's up,
See if I can hear her angelic voice,
Hopefully, it's no noise, I mean she does have the choice,
“It's ringing......” She picks up........