Monday, 30 September 2019


Standing across the room from you
Wondering what have you been through?
Trying to see beyond your shell
That tells that there is more to you.

Who was the boy that caused you to…?
Lose sight of who you are and who,
Doesn’t appreciate or reciprocate
The feelings that you exude?

So, I make the first step,
Hoping you step too
But you’re skeptical, only natural,
So I turn one step into two.
Asking “Can I hear your views?
On this and that?
Correspond them with mine,
Maybe some will match?”

And when we don’t see eye to eye,
Let’s lock minds,
And take time in this time.
Cause in this second I can see,
That a minute from now we’ll be meant to be.
And our future will exceed
Even dreams beyond you and me.

Mentally, spiritually,
Subsequently sexually,
I wish to nurture your body
With the love that flows through me…
So let’s see.